





主演:唐·亚当斯 芭芭拉·费尔顿 伯尼·克佩尔 


剧情:  Get Smart, Again! is a made-for-TV movie based on the 1965-1970 NBC/CBS television series, Get Smart!, which originally aired February 26, 1989 on ABC (ironically, the network that rejected the original pilot for the Get Smart! TV series). It has subsequently been released twice on DVD by different publishers. In the video release of the movie, the background canned laughter (pre-recorded laughter added later to the soundtrack), is absent.  Overview  Differences between Get Smart, Again! and The Nude Bomb  The film is not as well known as the earlier theatrical release, The Nude Bomb, also based on Get Smart, but was better received by fans of the original program. Unlike The Nude Bomb, which featured only the characters of Smart, The Chief (with Dana Elcar replacing the deceased Edward Platt), Agent 13 (Dave Ketchum in the series, portrayed by Joey Forman in The Nude Bomb, who had played the character Harry Hoo in the series) and Larrabee, Get Smart, Again! featured all of the surviving original cast reprising their roles. The tone and feel of Get Smart, Again! were also closer to that of the original series. Get Smart, Again! was written and produced by Leonard Stern, who was a producer of the original series. One element of the Nude Bomb ignored completely was the renaming of CONTROL as PITS in the earlier film; although as CONTROL is said to have disbanded in the 1970s, it's not impossible for both CONTROL and PITS to exist within the continuity of the franchise.  Barbara Feldon's character, 99, makes a reference to T.H.R.U.S.H., the evil organization in The Man From U.N.C.L.E., a show on which Feldon guest-starred.  Theme music  Get Smart, Again! also reprises the TV program's original theme music and opening credit sequence, which were absent from The Nude Bomb. In this case, however, the corridors were covered in cobwebs and the phone-booth elevator that led to CONTROL headquarters worked in reverse, causing Smart to be thrown to the top of the booth.  Synopsis  Maxwell Smart, acting as a protocol officer since CONTROL was disbanded in the early 1970s, is reactivated as a counterintelligence agent by Commander Drury (Kenneth Mars) of the United States Intelligence Agency. KAOS, long considered defunct, has been revitalized by a corporate takeover. Its first scheme involves turning a forgotten American scientist and using his weather control machine to extort $250 billion US dollars from the United States Government. Drury, convinced that only Smart has the expertise to combat KAOS, gives him carte blanche to reactivate former CONTROL agents to assist him in his task. Along with Drury's bumbling aide, Beamish (Steve Levitt), Smart recruits Larrabee (who, believing that he was under orders from Richard Nixon to stay at his post until relieved, has been living in his office in the now-abandoned CONTROL headquarters tending his office plants), Agent 13, Hymie the Robot (now employed as a crash test dummy) and ultimately, his wife 99 (Barbara Feldon) to find the security leak that allowed the scientist to defect, locate the weather machine and disarm it. They are opposed by KAOS moles within the USIA, who are able to predict Max's every move with the aid of stolen copies of 99's unpublished memoirs. The visible head of the KAOS scheme is revealed to be Max's old nemesis, Siegfried, but he is merely the agent of a higher executive whom even he has never met. This higher power is finally revealed as Nicholas Demente (Harold Gould), 99's publisher, who intends not only to extort the money but also to create weather that will keep people eternally indoors and interfere with television reception, forcing millions to entertain themselves by buying Demente's books and publications.  Comedic style  The script is littered with typical Maxwell Smart verbal gags, and large portions of the plot serve only as set ups for Get Smart!-style sight gags (such as a duel between Max and a KAOS hitman using remote controlled file cabinet drawers). The film also features the array of bizarre gadgetry and political satire that were hallmarks of the original series. The cone of silence has been superseded by "Hover Cover" where a meeting is held on a rooftop with three helicopters hovering overhead. The failure of Hover Cover leads to the development of "The Hall Of Hush",a soundproof room where words print out silently in mid air, a success at first until the words begin to print forward, backward and on top of each other.  Max changes the well known quote "Dr. Livingstone I Presume" to "Dr. Hottentot I Presume".  1995 revival  The relative success of the film prompted the development of a short-lived 1995 weekly series on FOX, also titled Get Smart, with Don Adams and Barbara Feldon reprising their characters as their bumbling son, Zach (Andy Dick), becomes CONTROL's star agent.  原班人马啊,好想看。TAT


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无敌拍档之万无一失HD国语版尹一航 周展翅 达来哈里呼 李雨阳 孙子航 钟情 薛刚   因传统纸媒行业衰落,曾经的王牌记者韩书源与刚刚入职报社的小舅子马超正为报社倒闭而发愁,却意外得到“全星娱乐公司”老板刘磊的邀请,两人勇闯横店影视城创业,不料却成为刘磊手下专门跟拍明星绯闻的底层娱乐
热浴盆时光机29.0HD中字亚当·斯科特 吉莉安·雅各布斯 切维·切斯 科莱特·沃夫 托马斯·列农 Mariana Paola Vicente 克拉克·杜克 克雷格·罗宾森 罗伯·考德瑞 安吉拉·克勒科兹 Christine Bently Vanessa Amaya 杰森·琼斯 Bianca Haase Melorine Adler   电影Hot Tub Time Machine 2《热浴盆时光机2》剧情承接上作,当卢正沉醉于成为“互联网之父”时,却不幸遭到一名不明身份的袭击者枪击,性命危在旦夕,为了再次拯救他们的朋友,雅各布和
安娜和世界末日HD中字版艾拉·亨特 马尔科姆·卡明 莎拉·斯维尔 克里斯托弗·莱沃 玛里·休 本·威金斯 马克·本顿 保罗·凯耶 肖恩·康纳 约翰·温切斯特 艾拉·贾维斯 杰基·伯德   一部混杂音乐剧和丧尸电影的喜剧片,这部僵尸歌舞片的框架基于2010年英国电影学院奖获奖短片《僵尸音乐剧》(暂译)(ZombieMusical),讲述了一大波僵尸穷追猛打一撮人,他们边唱边打,不断求
欢迎来到谋杀镇:谁杀了圣诞老人?HD中字威尔·阿奈特 杰森·贝特曼 莉莉安·博登 库尔特·布劳诺勒 Dennice Cisneros 伊丽莎·库伯 陶尼·纽萨姆 Courtney Parchman 玛娅·鲁道夫 Haneefah Wood 高级侦探特里·西雅图(Terry Seattle)又回来了,这次是至关重要的。他和他的两位名人嘉宾明星杰森·贝特曼(Jason Bateman)和玛雅·鲁道夫(Maya Rudolph)一起,他的任务
真事信不信正片大卫·伯恩 约翰·古德曼 斯波尔丁·格雷 迪图·拉里瓦 斯薇兹·昆茨 Roebuck 本片以主人公大卫·布莱恩架车游历美国得克萨斯州过程中所见所闻为主线,透过一个个具有鲜明个性的小人物及发生在他们身上的故事,展示了当地人对于生活和爱情的独特理解。该片值得称道的是将歌舞与写实完美结合,大
喜马拉亚星国语HD郑中基 张柏芝 刘青云 应采儿 吴镇宇 黄又南 徐天佑 李兆基 黄光亮 成奎安   在喜玛拉雅山长大的亚星(郑中基)练有一身瑜伽好功夫,某日奉父母之命下山参加印度西施家族举办的瑜伽选夫比赛的途中,被恨嫁的大家姐(应采儿)缠住。为了阻止亚星参加比赛,大家姐想出把他变成人见人厌的坏小
哥的传说6.0正片高海鹏 王皓 何苗 王沛禄 提起湘子庙街,老城里的人们都有一个共识——无论你想要什么,都能在这里找到!这是一条神奇的街道,高档与低俗,现代与古老,兴旺街容纳了一切。对于展毅来说,湘子庙就是他的根,对这条街上的一砖一瓦,一店一铺,一人一景,展毅都了如指掌,混得门清,如果把湘子庙比喻成一条河,展毅就是自由游弋于其中的鱼。湘子庙街是展毅的乐园,也是他谋生的地方,他带着小伙计梁英雄开着一辆面包车天天穿梭在老街里为各个商家送货。为人仗义豪爽的展毅身边有着很多一起长大的发小兄弟:修车行打工仔阿彪、房屋中介公司职员蜗牛。虽然大家都混在社会的底
两男变错身HD中字瑞安·雷诺兹 杰森·贝特曼 奥利维亚·王尔德 莱斯利·曼恩 艾伦·阿金 莫洽·梦若 格里高利·伊齐恩 罗明 悉尼·鲁维耶 克雷格·比尔克   本片是导演大卫·道金、《宿醉》编剧乔恩·卢卡斯联合制作的最新喜剧作品。  整部影片的拍摄周期只用了62天,在英国的片名叫做《与孩子见面》。  Dave(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰
伴娘201110.0HD克里斯汀·韦格 玛娅·鲁道夫 罗丝·伯恩 克里斯·奥多德 梅丽莎·麦卡西 艾丽·坎伯尔 吉尔·克雷伯格 泰瑞·克鲁斯 汤姆·易 埃兰尼·考 迈克尔·希区柯克 乔·努内斯 蕾蓓尔·威尔森 马特·卢卡斯 温迪·麦丽登·康薇 格雷格·图库雷斯库 史蒂夫·班诺斯   人到中年的安妮(克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig 饰)仍旧一事无成,浑噩度日。交往已久的男友只是把她当做情人,并无与她组建家庭的打算。此时,安妮的好友莉莉安(玛娅·鲁道夫 Maya Rud