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说走就走短假游 第05集

Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP1                                                                        46分                                                                        In the first episode of "Take a Break" , Felicia Chin will bring you to Tainan , Taiwan that has strong history and culture . Everywhere is full of surprises when all the basic necessities are induced with whole new creativity and technology . 第一期跟陈风玲一起到台湾南部玩, 享受浓厚的历史文化,当中的衣食住行都融合了全新的创意与技术,处处充满惊喜 ! 凤玲已经为大家编排了一套4天3夜游台南高雄的好玩行程,提供给没时间做功课的你参考 ! 记得别错过!                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP2                                                                        45分                                                                        Take a Break with Desmond Tan and Jeffrey Xu in South Korea to spend a 5 days 4 nights vacation ! Apart from the capital of South Korea – Seoul , they are also venturing the outskirts such as Gangwon - do , Incheon , Gwangmyeong etc , discovering the side of South Korea that you have never known . In this episode , you will also get to know them better as they portray a much different image than the usual dramas you might see . 浻江和鸣杰首次结伴出游,选择到韩国度过五天四夜的小假期!这次的行程不仅仅锁定首尔,也走进首尔近郊如江原道、仁川、光明市等,发掘韩国的另一个面貌。两位好朋友在这趟旅行中抛开形象,玩得不亦乐乎!                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP3                                                                        44分                                                                        Jayley and Hayley planned a “fashion beauty trip” suitable for sisters who go overseas together . In this episode of “Take a Break” , #JaytotheHay will bring you along , discovering “fashion beauty” related items such as Hanbok as well as the latest korean fashion trends ! Apart from the trendy things , they also challenged themselves to a winter camping trip , making this vacation an unforgettable one . 佳琪和佳嬑携手规划了姐妹韩国美之旅!顾名思义,两人在这趟旅行中发掘了各种"美"的事物,不论是传统韩服之美还是最夯韩流时尚,统统不放过!此外,两姐妹还挑战冬天露营,天寒地冻下真情流露,度过难忘假日!                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP4                                                                        45分                                                                        Like - minded dynamic duo Ian Fang and Desmond Ng , are going to Hanoi together for the first time . Eating and shopping along the way is a must ! However in order to have a more heartfelt journey , the duo will bring you to the suburb area in Ning Ping town to take a boat ride and enjoy the beautiful sceneries; explore and visit the hidden hut in the woods as well as riding a motorcycle in the middle of the buzzing downtown . How exciting ! 志同道合,年龄相近的方伟杰和黄振隆首次结伴到河内,展开了一次探索和交心之旅。两位率性的帅哥除了一路买东西吃东西之外,也到郊外的宁平镇乘小船观赏秀丽的风景, 参观隐秘的树林小屋和骑电单车穿梭在车水马龙的闹市中,直呼过瘾好玩!                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP5                                                                        45分                                                                        Aven Hao Hao and Lee Bao En , both are singers from Getai . Together , they are bringing you along to “Take a Break” in Penang , eating all the delicious delicacies such as the famous Penang Laksa , Fried Kwayteow and Chendol; as well as to explore different places such as the highest building in Penang to challenge one’s limit . Both of them will also have an up - close experience with reptiles and visit the interesting museums in Penang . 皓皓和李宝恩这两位歌台好搭档首次结伴同游,到槟城寻找美食和好玩的活动。除了尝遍当地著名的小吃如槟城叻沙,炒馃条和chendol之外,他俩也和爬虫动物有亲密的接触, 在趣味馆内"搔首弄姿"和登上槟城市最高的建筑物挑战个人极限。                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP6                                                                        45分                                                                        It is Romeo Tan's first time going on a solo backpacking trip . Catch this episode of Take A Break where he visits the beautiful countryside , gets up close with an elephant , goes for a massage and visits the most crowded and popular night market . Do not miss this episode with just Romeo and his camera ! 陈罗密欧第一次一个人背起相机旅行去,他到了清迈,除了美丽的自然风景,他还和大象有了近距离接触、尝试了攀爬瀑布和难得一见的火脚按摩、还有清迈最热闹的夜市 - 星期天夜市,他的四天三夜摄影之旅,回程装满行李、也满足心灵。                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP7                                                                        46分                                                                        Join the two sisters , Quan Yi Fong and Vivian Lai as they wander around Khao Yai . How will they spend their carefree 4 days 3 night surrounded by Hobbit's houses and castles ? Don't forget to catch an episode filled with lots of laughter ! 权怡凤与赖怡伶这对好姐妹,到泰国的小欧洲 - 考艾进行4天3夜的减压之旅,她们去了英国、意大利、古堡,还去了哈比人的家!最美的地方,最合拍的伙伴,和她们一起,走一趟充满欢乐笑声的难忘旅程。                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP8                                                                        45分                                                                        Follow Dawn Yeoh and Tracy Lee , the two sisters of Peace and Prosperity , to Yi Lan and Taipei . How do you finish walking through two beautiful cities without missing out on the Must - see spots in 4D3N ? Do not miss this episode ! 跟随富贵平安的两姐妹姚懿珊和李美玲到宜蘭和台北吃喝玩乐!如何4天3夜的走完两个美丽的城市,而不会错过必看的景点和品尝当地的美食呢?千万不要错过这一集!                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP9                                                                        45分                                                                        After a decade , good friend Fiona Xie and Ben Yeo head on a vacation together again ! In the land of dim sum , they discover unique and new hunts to introduce to viewers . With a bowl of authentic "Gou Zai Mian" , they walk through the streets only the locals are aware of ! Dont miss this episode ! 谢宛谕和杨志龙,十年之后再度同游 ! 他们去了香港,在工业大厦找新鲜玩乐地点和有意思的餐厅,逛创意中心、去时尚餐厅用餐,还逛了传统的香港街市和吃怀旧的狗仔粉,走了一趟只有本地人才知道的香港之旅。                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP10                                                                        46分                                                                        In this episode of “take a break” , Kate Pang and Candice Toh , two happily married women travel to Tokyo together , going on a trip without their husbands and kids . While getting sufficient rest , they also head on adventures , making full use of their stay in Japan ! Tokyo Sky Tree and Sumida Aqurium are two spots not to be missed ! Spending days at the mAAch ecute , skiing at Gala , visiting robot and owl cafes are also go - to spots in Tokyo ! Not to be missed ! 庞蕾馨和杜惠甹,这两位家庭与事业兼顾的年轻美少妇,将暂时放下老公和孩子,一起携手来到东京这个时尚大都会,以最经济的方式,乘搭电车,四处走透透。东京晴空塔和墨田水族馆是不可错过的景点,在神田万世桥的咖啡座感受电车飞驰而过、跟猫头鹰做近距离的接触、以及在Gala 滑雪度假村玩雪都让她们乐而忘返,还有机械人餐厅的表演也让她们赞叹不已!                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP11                                                                        45分                                                                        In this episode , Yi Fong and Chef Eric head to the West of Australia , Margaret River . Within 4D3N , they see all that needs to be seen , eat all that needs to be tried , chasing after dolphins , admiring the beauty of the sea world , riding horsesetc . A trip filled with lots of laughter and fun ! 怡凤和Chef Eric到西澳大利亚,自驾畅游玛格丽特河!他们近距离地看到了野生海豚、在海底漫步看美丽的海洋世界、看见大自然的鬼斧神工、在森林里骑马,一路上笑声不断、惊喜连连。想知道如何玩转玛格丽特河?不能错过这一集“说走就走短假游”。                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP12                                                                        45分                                                                        Follow Tay Ping Hui and Cavin Soh to Australia , Perth . Filled with lots of fun and challenges on land , sea and air , from spending time with koala bears , visiting the oldest prison and witnessing the worlds largest gold coin , spending the most exciting short vacation ever ! 郑斌辉和苏梽诚这对好兄弟去珀斯短假游可是一点都不轻松,他们进行了海陆空大挑战,在海里游、去高空跳伞还有沙丘滑沙!除了刺激的活动,他们也和袋鼠、无尾熊做近距离接触,还去看了西澳最古老的监狱和世界上最大的金币,度过最紧凑精彩的短假游!                                                                        Take A Break! 说走就走 短假游 - EP13                                                                        46分                                                                        What's in store for four young hosts when they go on a cruise ? Join Jeremy Chan , Desmond Ng , Kimberly Wang and Michelle Wong as they explore the local delights in Klang and island hop in Phuket via "Mariner of the seas" , one of five Voyager - class cruise ships from Royal Caribbean International ! 在《说走就走 ~ 短假游》的最后一集就跟这四位年轻人上皇家加勒比的邮轮。。看看他们会遇上什么有趣的事情,看看邮轮会有多好玩。。一起跟田铭耀,黄振隆,王智荟和黄怡灵一起上“海洋水手号”探索巴生和普吉岛!千万不能错过这一集的说走就走短假游!


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