In this new series Robson Green pushes the angling boundaries further than ever before in search of the Ultimate Catch. Travelling to incredible locations renowned for their fishing potential, at the perfect time in the angling calendar, Robson flies thousands of miles across the globe to be in the right place, with the right fishing guides, at exactly the right time. But even then its not going to be easy. Thunderstorms, drought, high winds and flash floods all have their part to play, and Robson will have to use every ounce of his fishing know-how, combined with the local guides and legends, if he wants to hook into the Ultimate Catch. Hell be fishing for huge predators in the mid Atlantic, hunting from a canoe in a lush volcanic crater, sight-casting on mysterious rivers in deep jungles, and learning local techniques from indigenous fishermen. Hell be hunting down migratory giants, netting huge crabs, free-diving for a shape-shifting octopus, night-fishing for a huge catfish, and ...
已完结 This documentary special takes us on a journey through the “day that will live in infamy,” by expl
珍珠港:75年后纪录片欧美综艺7.0已完结迈克尔·莱利 加里·刘易斯 Shaun Johnston 寫實刻劃美國黃石公園面臨的世紀大劫難 以一場全球性的大浩劫為出發點,2小時的紀錄劇情片「超級火山:真正末日」將紀錄看來靜謐的美國黃石國家公園,其實地底下岩漿蠢蠢欲動,到預警、火山爆發,甚至最後火
真正末日纪录片灾难欧美综艺10.0已完结杰夫·普罗斯特 桑德拉·迪亚斯-泰因 罗布·马里亚诺 幸存者第39季《偶像之岛》将在斐济玛玛努卡群岛拍摄,Sandra和Rob以导师的身份回归,不参与冠军争夺。整个赛季,选手将通过各种方式被送到偶像之岛,在那里他们有机会从前冠军手里获取建议和优势。
幸存者:偶像之岛第三十九季真人秀欧美综艺8.0已完结 在植物浓密的热带森林中,鬼祟和伏击能达到最佳效果,高度敏锐的感官和巧妙的防卫是生存之道。从如同忍者的蚂蚁,到雨林中的猛禽,高画质摄影机潜到水中并飞越树林,动画则穿透动物的皮毛、羽毛和骨头,揭露隐藏
动物构造大揭密纪录片欧美综艺9.0已完结Freddie Flintoff In a new BBC Two series, some of the fittest men and woman around will face the toughest challenge
特种部队: 终极地狱周 第一季纪录片真人秀欧美综艺6.0已完结伊万·麦克格雷格 查理·布尔曼 这是2004年《Long Way Round》和2007年《Long Way Down》的后续,这次麦克格雷格跟朋友Charley Boorman骑着哈雷·戴维森电动摩托,穿越中南美洲的13000
一路北上真人秀欧美综艺已完结迈克尔·彻 科林·乔斯特 《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live,缩写SNL,又称周末夜现场)是美国一档于周六深夜时段直播的喜剧小品类综艺节目,由洛恩·迈克尔斯创立,为迪克·埃伯索尔所继承发展。 [1] &