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特种部队: 终极地狱周 第一季 第06集

  In a new BBC Two series, some of the fittest men and woman around will face the toughest challenge of their lives when they take part in the recruitment week from hell. Who will be left standing on the ultimate military assault course?  Presented by Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff, this six-part series will see successful applicants take on gruelling tests used by some of the world’s harshest army regimes, from the Navy SEALs to the SAS, in a search to find the UK’s toughest recruit.  Participants will come under intense pressure. Their physical and mental endurance will be pushed to the limit. Viewers will witness what the mind and body are capable of and how these techniques separate the weak from the strong, and they will learn what it takes to be the ultimate soldier.  The ‘Hell Week ‘ has been especially constructed to reflect known selection process used by special forces across the globe including the US Navy SEALs, the Philippine’s NAVSOG (Naval Special Operations Group), the Russian Spetsnaz (Special Purpose Forces) as well as the UK’s SAS. These are physical and mental challenges designed to break the most hardened soldiers.


老爷车大翻新 第一季已完结迈克尔·登杰菲尔德   老派作风的汽车收藏家麦克·霍尔和死党艾福利·夏夫、儿子康纳·霍尔竭尽所能地修复复古车,同时也希望能够大赚一笔。
老爷车大翻新 第一季真人秀欧美综艺
玛格丽特公主:王室叛逆已完结Craig Brown Anne de Courcy Lady Glenconner   如果你的姐姐是英国女王,你会怎么做?玛格丽特公主是具有反叛精神的王室成员,她定义了现代公主的形象。本片介绍与她有关的丑闻、浪漫故事及伤心事。
卡戴珊家族第三季8.0已完结金·卡戴珊 葛妮·卡戴珊 科勒·卡戴珊 克莉丝·詹纳 肯多尔·詹娜   向来Drama十足,每分每秒都创造热门话题的卡戴珊家族回归,拆解各个家庭成员话题背后的“真相”,继续揭开名媛望族最Juicy的日常。
暑期工冲冲冲第一季9.0已完结首部意大利 Netflix 原创真人秀节目。10 名毫无工作经验的年轻男女最初享受着度假待遇,然而很快这些人便得开始第一份工作。马蒂尔德·吉奥尼首次以主持人的身份与观众见面。   &nbsp