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黑鹰坠落:死里逃生 第03集

  The docuseries launches on February 10, 2025. Ridley Scott, director of Black Hawk Down, contributed to this docuseries through his production company RSA Films. However, Jack MacInnes directed it. MacInnes previously worked on documentaries, including Leaving Afghanistan in 2022. Producers Jamal Osman and Emma Supple worked with executive producers Dominic Crossley-Holland and Tom Pearson to develop the series.  The documentary focuses on October 3, 1993, when U.S. Army Rangers and Delta Force conducted an operation in Mogadishu. Their mission was to capture militia leaders loyal to General Mohamed Farrah Aidid. Chaos unfolded after RPGs brought down three Blackhawk helicopters, leading to one of the most challenging urban battles for American forces.  The documentary includes stories from soldiers and survivors. U.S. troops recall being surrounded and fighting against overwhelming odds. Audio from news reports captures global reactions during the event. Somali fighters and civilians share their perspectives, including how U.S. airstrikes impacted families and inspired retaliation.  Unlike the film, the series does not frame the story solely from the U.S. perspective. It showcases Somali experiences, exploring their motivations and losses.


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