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纽约重案组第四季 第18集

  In the fourth season of this award-winning show, the action at New York City's 15th Precinct is as hectic as ever. While Lieutenant Fancy continues as precinct commander, Detective Andy Sipowicz, although still a bit rough around the edges, has mellowed with the birth of his son. Detective Bobby Simone and Detective Diane Russell take the next step in their relationship, James Martinez becomes the Squad Delegate, and Greg Meadavoy considers becoming a surrogate father. But one thing that hasn't changed is the squad's determination to make sure the bad guys get their day in court and to also attempt to maintain a touch of normalcy in their personal lives even as they investigate cases that often put them directly in the line of fire.


成长不容易第一季全13集雅拉·沙希迪 德翁·科尔 克里斯·帕内尔 埃米莉·阿尔卢克 特雷沃·杰克逊 弗兰西娅·莱莎 Jordan Buhat 克洛伊·贝利 海莉·贝利 Abraham D. Juste   ABC喜剧《喜新不厌旧 Black-Ish》在五月前获预订座落在Freeform的衍生剧,现改名为《成长不容易 grown-ish》(前名《college-ish》),首季为13集,预定在明年1月
黑镜第二季6.0全3集海莉·阿特维尔 多姆纳尔·格里森 克洛伊·皮里   和上一季相同,本季的《黑镜》也由3个故事组成,向观众展现了一个残酷而又现实的未来世界。  《马上回来》:一次车祸夺走了玛莎(海莉·阿特维尔 Hayley Atwell 饰)的男友艾什(多姆纳尔·格
真实的人类第二季已完结嘉玛·陈 凯瑟琳·帕金森 科林·摩根 山姆·帕莱迪奥 马歇尔·奥尔曼 艾米丽·伯林顿 伊安·布尔费尔德 露西·克劳斯 索妮娅·卡西迪   由出品四届艾美奖最佳影集【广告狂人】、两届艾美奖最佳影集【绝命毒师】、艾美奖四项提名作品【谋杀】和金球奖最佳影集提名及美国最高收视电视作品【行尸走肉】的金奖电视网AMC,与出品BAFTA英国电影和
肯尼迪一家全6集凯瑟琳·帕金森 露西·哈钦森 哈利·皮考克 The Kennedys is a multi-generation family comedy loosely based on Emma’s memoirs The Tent, The Bucke
黑道家族第五季9.0全13集詹姆斯·甘多菲尼 洛南·布雷科 埃迪·法可   Tony Soprano,貌似只是普通的中年商人一个,身边围绕着顺从的妻子,叛逆的儿子,学业出众的女儿,正在渐渐失去威严的叔叔,容易头脑发热的侄子,还有个众人皆知的情妇和一个听他倾诉的心理医生——
穿越烟壶全3集杰瑞·G·安格罗 DJ·考尔斯 肯·奇斯曼 凯文·赫夫南 朱恩·卡里尔 雷蒙·汉密尔顿 伊拉纳·格雷泽 保罗·当斯 艾迪·刘 南森·巴纳特 David·Michie 该剧由《Broad City》的创作人Ilana Glazer、Paul W. Downs和Lucia Aniello打造,其中前两者兼主演。毫无疑问……这仍然是恶搞节目。在该剧中,一对表兄妹Jeff