When his girlfriend Sasha and best friend Elias give hothead Richard a harpoon for his birthday, he wants to try this new toy out right away. So the three of them set out for a day trip on a boat, but suspicion and jealousy soon start to get the upper hand. Before long, the tension has become unbearable. To make matters worse, the boat’s engine fails and then it turns out they left their supplies on shore: a nerve-wracking struggle for survival ensues that spares no one’s secrets – or blood. This post-modern adaptation of a story by Edgar Allan Poe in which three shipwrecked sailors draw lots to see who has to sacrifice himself as a cannibalistic snack, is a bloodthirsty thriller that leaves sufficient space for laughs. It’s painfully obvious from (nautical) miles away that this triangular relationship is not going to end well.
10.0HD中字Markus Krojer Antonia Lingemann Finn Kirschner 塞缪尔(汉斯·齐施勒 Hanns Zischler 饰)和科拉(西比勒·卡诺尼卡 Sibylle Canonica 饰)结婚多年,两人共同抚养着九岁的儿子尼古拉斯(Finn Kirschner 饰
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施蒂利亚州的诅咒悬疑奇幻恐怖10.0正片Tony Eusoff Chacko Vadaketh Stephen Rahman Hughes Tehmina Kaoosji 叶加文 Megat Sharizal Susan Lankester 科琳娜·阿德里安娜 Juria Hartmans Ayez Shaukat Fonseka Farid Whenaprivateeyetakesacasetofindamissinguniversitystudent,hemustexplorethedeepdarkdepthsofhisownmindt
暗影游戏悬疑惊悚奇幻9.0正片扎克·吉尔福德 艾莉森·米勒 Colin Walker Robert Belushi Odessa Sykes 有情男女扎克·麦考尔(扎克·吉尔福德ZachGilford饰)和萨曼莎(艾莉森·米勒AllisonMiller饰)即将结为夫妇,为了纪念这一重要时刻,扎克拿起摄像机,希望记录下父亲婚后生活的点点滴滴和每一个重要时刻。浪漫而温馨的婚礼过后,麦考尔夫妇踏上前往圣多明各的快乐无忧的蜜月之旅。在一个万众狂欢的夜晚,他们随同当地人进入一间地下酒吧。纵情歌舞过后,夫妻俩陷入无意识状态,时断时续的摄像机则记录下片段化的神秘场景。回家后不久,萨曼莎发现自己怀有身孕,夫妻俩随感意外,却也为此喜悦非常。只不过快乐并未持续太久
恶魔预产期恐怖HD杰西卡·麦克娜美 菲恩·琼斯 维多利亚·佩吉·沃特金斯 After some tragedies, a couple moves back to her childhood home. Robert discovers an old portrait of
访客2022恐怖7.0HD国语版苏菲 刘骐 杨济妤 陈国良 温春荣 李世宏 岳俊岭 于天川 贾舒夷 赫明宇 贾玉华 段俊宝 刘连钧 芦旭 郑嘉琨 刘明 张海报 张东升 讲述清末民国初期一位在省城上学的大户人家少爷因姐夫暴毙火速赶回家奔丧,夜里在回家路上于树林中搭救一姑娘,后发现姑娘长相貌美遂将其带回自己府内做丫鬟,伺候爹妈。该女子名为丽娘,少爷与丽娘日久生情,大
诡新娘悬疑恐怖正片Michael Jordan 这部产于2006年夏的史诗般巨作出自法国著名的视频制作团队NBAEvolutionTeam,完整描述了JORDAN整个职业生涯,画面绚丽,配乐雄壮,气势磅礴.其中配乐采用了多部经典电影中的有名乐
乔丹传奇-二十年的统治惊悚HD国语王小虎 梅雪 孙博 白贺珍 白杨 杨俊 李素云 有三个青春靓丽的女孩,他们是当下所流行的女主播大军中的一员。每日里你侬我侬,虚情假意,和电脑显示屏另一面的陌生人甜言蜜语,期间孕育了多少杀机而全然无知。某天,女孩们受邀参加某个剧组的电影拍摄工作。
玩命剧组之主播惊魂悬疑惊悚恐怖HD中字Nathan Polzin Jolene Kay Taylor Pigeon Emily has mysteriously returned home to her mother and stepfather, after being missing for over a