Massive machines require engineering extremes. The massive man-made satellite, commonly known as the International Space Station, hurtling around the Earth at 27,600 km an hour, has been a temporary home for humans for the last 20 years. The biggest land vehicle on earth, a bucket excavator titled Bagger 293, that can move 240,000 cubic meters of dirt each day. Innovation has always meant building bigger, faster, taller, longer and stronger than anything that came before. We’ve seen them in dramatic visual fashion. But how do these actually work? What sets each machine apart. What big ideas drove its evolution and what limitations did this machine overcome? What forces was it built to withstand and where is the breaking point? Using CGI and expert insights, we ‘strip down’ the design of some of the world’s unique colossal machines and reveal mechanical secrets that not only made them work, but also changed the world in a big way! Each episode explores four incredible machines, linked thematically. From sea and space faring designs, to mega airborne, mining and industrial machines, we’ll break down what they can do as well as key inner mechanics and materials that make it all possible. Dynamic archival footage featuring; slow motion, aerials, and time-lapses get us past the ‘caution’ tape and up close and personal with these compound monsters. CGI provides breakouts and blueprints and a look at hidden mechanisms. Adding expertise of structural, mechanical, chemical and forensic engineers to help reveal what’s at stake when these colossal constructions are put work, and how all the pieces come together to make a big impact. EPISODES: S1 E1 Sea Monsters S1 E2 Astronomical Engineering S1 E3 There Be Dragons S1 E4 Sub-Zero Supermachines S1 E5 Earth Biters S1 E6 Mammoth Manufacturing
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