“Secrets Of The Elephants”, which is going to be premiering on Friday, 21st April 2023 on National Geographic, with all episodes being able to stream on Earth Day on Saturday, 22nd April 2023 on Disney+ and Hulu. Executive produced by Academy Award-winning filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer-at-Large James Cameron and narrated by Academy Award-winning actress, Natalie Portman. Elephants are powerful, loving and wise, but we are only starting to unlock their deepest secrets. The ground-breaking, award-winning natural history franchise SECRETS OF returns with its next instalment, “Secrets Of The Elephants”. The series travels the world — from the Savannahs of Africa to the urban landscapes of Asia — to discover the strategic thinking, complex emotions and sophisticated language of elephants, shaping a unique and dynamic culture. Featuring renowned National Geographic Explorer and elephant expert Dr. Paula Kahumbu, the four-part series not only reveals the extraordinary lives of different families of elephants but also highlights how similar they are to us. “Secrets Of The Elephants” will change everything you thought you knew about elephants forever. The four episodes include: 1. Savanna 2. Desert 3. Rainforest 4. Asia
8.0已完结杰迪帕·迪拉朋帕 瓦妮达·特姆散纳波 Wanida Termthanaporn 女主角普莱是一个怀揣着空姐梦的点心店女孩,跟着奶奶守着泰式传统点心店生活,几乎所有身边的亲朋好友们都不相信她的空姐梦会成真,但她从未放弃自己的梦想。男主帕坤是富家大少,妈妈经营着大酒店,而他本人更
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是谁害怕爱丽丝·米勒?记录7.0更新至03集娜姆拉荣·塔尼娅瑞丝 Ning Panita Tumwattana "นี่เรา...ยังรักกันเหมือนเดิมอยู่ใช่ไหม?"Thetwoofusรักนี้มีแค่เราSeason2
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医生,我来引渡灵魂剧情爱情奇幻同性泰国6.0更新至02集内详 由浙江广电集团打造的三集人文纪录片《盛世修典》全景记录了国家级重大文化工程“中国历代绘画大系”的数字化汇聚过程,将于十月在浙江卫视播出。 影片采用纪实和文献相结合的艺术表现手法,遴选国宝级名画,
兹心记录HD中字版莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Kenny Ausubel 米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫 逆转人类最黑暗的时刻! “必看佳片!令人心忧、触目惊心”——曼诺哈·达吉斯,《纽约时报》。 “欢欣鼓舞……令人百看不厌。”——《洛杉矶时报》。 “寻找改变世界的方法。”——《ELLE》。