This movie is also called "Dust of life" in English and was made by Alex Bouchareb in 1994. In 1975, 3 kids decide to escape a reeducation camp in the Vietnamese equatorial forest near Cambodia where the Amerasians are imprisoned, tortured both mentally and physically. Son, the hero is sent in that camp after her mother fails to find his father to send him away to America. Search the web for the title to find more information. You can find the poster of the movie on cineposters dot com. Kind of reminds me of Papillon or the Killing Fields though maybe a notch down in terms of realization... This movie is based on facts from the after war.
6.0正片李昊翰 杨欣 张琛 春秋时期鲁国三桓排除异己,闵子骞父母也被迫逃亡宋国,沉疴已久的闵母在辗转逃亡中客死他乡。后来闵父续铉姚氏并为其生得两子,闵父不得志经常酗酒,闵子骞就成了家里的劳力,放牛割稻照看小弟,一次算命先生给姚氏
少年闵子蹇儿童古装剧情7.0HD国语版葛兰 陈厚 丁皓 刘恩甲 唐若青 可謂是葛蘭表演生涯中的一大突破,賦予她一個全新無憂無慮、自由自在、充滿青春活力、熱情奔放的「書院女」形象。影片以一段追尋生母的情節,暗喻香港的成長與獨立。舊電影本身而言,賞心悅目的連場歌舞和青春氣
曼波女郎歌舞剧情8.0正片姚琳娜 唐文龙 吴嘉龙 陈观泰 在历史系就读的女大学生李亦菲(姚琳娜饰)在一堂历史课上,老师向学生介绍了解放初的“四大悬案”,并通过幻灯照片展示了相关情况。这些照片引发了李亦菲的好奇和疑惑,因为她的家就住在丰裕胡同附近。于是,她决定
古宅魂迷剧情正片亚当·布斯多柯斯 莫里兹·布雷多 波热尔·尤内尔 菲琳·罗根 一个希腊后裔的德国人Zinos(亚当·布斯多柯斯 Adam Bousdoukos 饰)在汉堡开了间餐厅,名字叫“Soul Kitchen”,最近遭遇了严重的财政危机,入不敷出,难以为继。祸不单行
心灵厨房剧情10.0HD中字乔治·C·斯科特 翠施·范·德沃尔 保罗·索维诺 Dr Jake Terrell, who has been training a pair of dolphins for many years, has had a breakthrough.
海豚之日剧情科幻惊悚HD中字拉米斯·阿马尔 卢芭·贝雷尔 希萨姆·奥马里 Khadija Al Akel Jalal Masrwa 莎登·坎博拉 心碎的贾莉拉忙着张罗丈夫与二房娇妻的婚礼,婚宴甫落幕,又意外发现女儿在学校偷尝初恋滋味;渴求自由的女儿异想天开,竟决心带男友回到婚姻观念封闭的部落拜见家长。母女二人在自身幸福、亲情羁绊、家族颜面以