This is a story about Bpeeyachat a young orphan that meets Monthai, the son from a rich family, during her childhood and befriends him. A car accident takes her grandmother, her last living family member, away from her and she starts living with Viyada and her family. Monthai, who is engaged to Viyada, goes abroad for studies because he can't stand living at home anymore because of his mother's insane jealousy and the terrible things that happened because of it. During his time abroad, he sends many letters to his fiancee, which are not answered by her, but instead by Bpeeyachat. Viyada is more interested in getting to know other men than corresponding with or waiting for him. Monthai's mother gets really sick and asks for Viyada to take care of her. This is the last thing she wants to do and so Bpeeyachat goes in her place. Monthai comes back from abroad and thinks that Bpeeyachat is pretending to be Viyada, because of the money. He starts to treat her badly, but slowly starts to care for her. Shortly after, Viyada comes to his home and trouble ensures.
9.0正片夏洛特·甘斯布 简·伯金 乔·安塔尔 本片是戛纳影后夏洛特·甘斯布的首部导演作品,她的镜头聚焦的是自己的母亲,传奇女星间伯·金。在这部非典型的家庭私人电影里,她重新梳理与母亲的血脉羁绊,两人褪下明星光环,娓娓谈起生老病死,人生感悟,一起陪
夏洛特眼中的简纪录片记录HDLilas Mayassi Shery Bechara Maya Khairallah Alma Doumani Tatyana Boughaba 作为中东第一支也是唯一一支女性激流金属(thrash metal)乐队,“塞壬之奴”(Slave to Sirens)正如名字中魅惑的海妖塞壬一样,充满着吸引力。身处政局动荡的贝鲁特,五位乐队成员宛如
塞壬2022记录6.0HD中字版姜敏赫 李·楊-韓 喵星人集合!從容不迫的日本貓、威風凜凜的台灣貓、察言觀色的韓國貓。 在韓國首爾,有很多貓咪生活著,事實上,目前統計出至少有二十萬隻「街貓」生活在韓國都市中,由此衍伸出的虐貓問題層出不窮,
我是猫记录已完结 广东卫视自制美食纪录片《老广的味道》是国内美食视频类头部IP,2015年至今已制作至第八季。节目以食物为载体,通过美食这一“小切口”讲好“中国故事”,展现岭南农业文化和海洋文化的情怀与自信
老广的味道第八季记录6.0全6集大卫·爱登堡 曾经惊艳世人的纪录片《地球脉动》,再次由来自BBC的制作团队倾力奉献出最新的第二季。在这一季里,观众们将继续见证地球各个角落动物、植物平凡而精彩的生命瞬间。本季总共六集,分为岛屿、山脉、丛林、沙漠、草
行星地球第二季纪录片记录全14集唐宇峰 Billy Patchanon Ounsa-ard 维查·萨尔凡特 陈皓滨 Surprise Pittikorn Siripornsawan 陈逸川 Heng 黄明明 李志成 Seng 一个书呆子暗恋一个学长有三年了,期间一直偷窥跟踪,……”你说我恋爱了。有人说我病得很重。戴西说我是同性恋。但我觉得我只是一个跟踪者。”……一个意外的巧合,让学长认识了他,但是这个秘密能够隐藏住吗,
非你默属泰国正片 An investigative expose of the inner workings inside the commercial pet food industry, which has w