The film starts with a masked killer entering an apartment and murdering a young couple, Krish and Shruti one cold, rainy night in Coimbatore. Five years later, Deepak, the retired police inspector who lost his leg while investigating the case, receives a call from a friend. The friend's son is adamant on becoming a police officer. So, the friend sends his son to Deepak so Deepak can brainwash him into not joining the force since his parents feels it is too dangerous. When the son arrives, he asks Deepak to tell him how he became crippled. Deepak begins to narrate his story of the final case that robbed him of the job he loved.
6.0HD中字杰茜·洪 马克·米钦森 贾里德·特纳 Eden Hart Benjamin Hudson Gideon Smith Alison Quigan Chloe Parker Sam Wang Sepi To'a Ginette McDonald Andrew Munro Joyena Sun Phil Brooks Xiao Hu Aleni Tufuga Mohan Liu Noah Davy Deanna Chiang Trendall Pulini 中国奖学金生魏某前往新西兰,在一所著名大学攻读医学研究。她害羞、内向,脸上有遗传性胎记,因此被她交际花表妹安吉拉和她那些光鲜亮丽的朋友们所排斥。魏女士决心改变自己的命运,她全身心投入已故父亲的研究
移植恐怖6.0HD无字杰森·缪斯 理查德·雷西尔 Luke Guldan Tyler Johnson A clan of watermen capture a crew of sport fishermen who must then fight for their lives.
绝命幽灵船惊悚恐怖正片吴启华 苗圃 伊藤步 富明(吴启华饰)与文顺(王蕻饰)自孤儿院时起就是好友,如今多年过去,身为陶器贸易公司经理的富明因文顺的身亡正被警方调查之中,由于案发时富明头部遭他人钝击,至今尚未恢复全部记忆。富明的妻子死于车祸,五岁
陶器人形恐怖HD中字Nathan Polzin Jolene Kay Taylor Pigeon Emily has mysteriously returned home to her mother and stepfather, after being missing for over a
艾米丽的困扰恐怖7.0HD中字萩原利久 角田晃広 町田玛丽 柾木玲弥森下能幸友坂理惠 故事背景发生在震撼全国民的“僵尸恐慌”爆发的5年后。僵尸情况逐渐受到控制,人们开始恢复和平的生活。某天,一只不知来路的僵尸在花田家迷路了。 该怎么处理那只僵尸?围绕着这个问题,大家开始追捕这只僵尸,
喔我的僵尸喜剧恐怖7.0HD国语王双宝 侍宣如 安泽豪 岳冬峰 十三年前良商沈岩被传家族有24缸宝藏,土匪为财一夜屠灭沈家庄,缝头师孙财承沈岩荒年救命的恩情为全村缝头补尸,十三年后为花钱赎入狱的儿子,孙财打起沈家24缸宝藏的主意,特意攒局找来黑心富商,戏班台柱
穷凶极恶2025恐怖HD中字Brett Halsey Meg Register Lino Salemme Brett Halsey,Meg Register和Lino Salemme主演,卢西奥·弗尔兹导演的恐怖片,在西西里岛考古的几名队员意外地惊醒了500年前被谋杀的修女恶灵...作为导演粉丝,我不