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Spring 2001... A civil war is raging in Macedonia...   Trendafil Karanfilov is fleeing his home-town to avoid joining the local army. Together with his wife Ruza he's hurriedly packing all sorts of goods (including her wicked mother Zumbula) into their family car, destination neighboring Bulgaria. But that spring of 2001 was incredibly hot... and the old granny Zumbula perishes due to the heat! Faced with the bureaucracy in a foreign land, with an old corpse that begins to rot, Trendafil decides to smuggle Zumbula's body back to Macedonia, wrapped up in a car pet. And so he has done... but the carpet was stolen on the way home! Facing the desperation, they decide to call their brother-in-law Santino, an Italian Mafioso, to help them find the body. And they begin the quest for the dead granny: from antic Greece to Serbia and Montenegro, over the mountains of Bosnia to the fields of Kosovo, all-over the nine hell circles of the Balkan criminal underworld.   FESTIVALS AND AWARDS   * XXVII Moscow International Film Festival - Moscow, Russia   (Special Mention of the Film Critic's Guild of Russia)   * 24th Filmfest Muenchen - Munich, Germany   * 14th Raindance Film Festival - London, UK   * 7th Motovun Film Festival - Motovun, Croatia   (Award"From A to A" for the Best film in the region)   * 9th European Film Festival - Bucharest, Romania (Audience Award)   * 16th CINEQUEST-San Jose, California, USA   * 17th Palm Springs International Film Festival - Palm Springs, California, USA   * 12th International Film Festival Palic - Subotica, Serbia   * 4th Capetown World Cinema Festival - Capetown, South Africa   * 7th Balkan Black Box - Berlin, Germany   * 39th WorlFest - Houston, Texas, USA   * 37th Nashville Film Festival - Nashville, Tennessee, USA   * 20th DC International Film Festival -Washington, DC, USA   * 11th Palm Beach Film Festival - Palm Beach, Florida, USA   * 18th Festival de Peniscola - Valencia, Spain   * Ex-YU Fest - Podgorica, Montenegro


你的一部分9.0HD中字费利西亚·特吕松 艾德文·瑞丁 莎拉·拉尔森 埃达·英格薇 妮基·汉斯布莱德 Alva Bratt Olivia Essén Maxwell Cunningham Emil Hedayat Mustafa Al-Mashhadani   这是一部以生与死为题材的故事,描绘了 17 岁时感觉心脏要从胸口跳出的经历。  阿格尼丝的姐姐朱莉娅拥有阿格尼丝梦寐以求的一切:她是学校里最酷的人,是每个派对的中心人物,而且她正在和诺埃尔约会。要
温泉康复院6.0HD肯尼思·布拉纳 辛西娅·尼克松 大卫·佩默   A dramatisation of Franklin D. Roosevelt's remarkable life, WARM SPRINGS stars British actor K
没有秘密2016HD孙艺珍 金柱赫 金昭熙 崔有华 金敏载 朴镇宇 郑道元 孙钟学 李尚熙 金义城   钟灿(金柱赫 饰)和妻子妍红(孙艺珍 饰)结婚多年,膝下有一可爱的女儿,两人男才女貌,在外人眼中是如同神仙眷侣一般的存在。钟灿涉足政坛,事业小有成就,同僚们都知道,他将有极大的可能成为下一任的国会
屠门镇之破茧之子9.0HD国语版薛皓文 詹思萌 马刚 言杰 任萧楠 苏芸盟 秦子婷 蒋瑞征   辛亥革命中,前清遗老 组织杀手因被尚峰出卖刺杀袁 世凯失败,只有革离和毒刺、 小艾三人侥幸逃脱,逃往“ 屠 门镇 ”,并在那里结识了海 浪、计童、唐斩等人,除暴安 良,最终联手击败尚峰,解救 了危
商界6.0正片午马 石天龙 尚华 刘勇 影片主要讲述深圳的两家手机运营商因为世仇而引出的一段生死恩怨。這其中又穿插错综复杂的爱情与友情,还有国际投资机构的介入等。在生死一线之际,中国的民族企业到底该何去何从?影片不仅营造了引人入胜的情节,还揭露了民族企业发展程中存在的许多疮疤,令人深思。
2015年中央电视台春节联欢晚会10.0HD国语版朱军 董卿 康辉 撒贝宁 李思思 毕福剑 朱迅 尼格买提·热合曼   终极节目单:  1.开场《四世同堂合家欢》(表演者:陶玉玲、雷恪生、张凯丽、韩童生、佟大为、关悦、张峻豪、李光羲、杨洪基、刘秉义、于淑珍、耿莲凤、朱明瑛、关牧村、邓玉华)  2.歌曲《中华好儿孙》
一眉道姑HD国语版吴君如 江欣燕 楼南光 杜德伟 曹查理   汤警官(胡枫 饰)陈警官(高雄 饰)是警察学校的教官,近日里,学校里频频发生科学无法解释的灵异事件,导致学员们不敢再来上课,无奈之下,两人找到了法师驱鬼,方才得知原来是因为陈警官的前世害死了一家四
女性瘾者:第二部8.0正片乌玛·瑟曼 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 杰米·贝尔 卡罗琳·古多尔 斯塔西·马汀 威廉·达福 乌多·基尔 夏洛特·甘斯布 克里斯蒂安·史莱特 苏菲·肯尼迪·克拉克 凯特·阿什菲尔德 让-马克·巴尔 希亚·拉博夫 迈克尔·帕斯 沙汀·罗尼 劳拉·克里斯滕森 米娅·高斯 Sarah·Soetaert 故事紧接着上一部,乔伊(夏洛特·甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg 饰)徐徐讲述,从来不知情欲为何物的赛里格曼(斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsgård 饰)亦深深着迷。乔