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东京暗变 HD中字

Japan is in the grip of a new drug: Golden Monkey. This mysterious substance not only gives the user boundless energy, but also changes its victims into shadow monsters – the perfect cannon fodder for fighting wars. In the animated sci-fi drama Battlecry, Haya hopes to put an end to this crisis.                                                                        The World Bank employee is helped in this by Soji, a soldier on leave with a troubled past. Like his new comrade, he desperately wants to restore Japan to its former glory. Flashbacks to the old days, interspersed through this detective-style story, underscore the pair’s tragedy even more.                                                                        What, above all, sets Battlecry apart from other films in the genre is its highly original styling. Director Yanakaya, who made the film practically by himself, uses computer animation in a way that is at times reminiscent of 90s computer games. Rough shapes and shadows and bright colours give this drama a very original look.


宇宙战舰大和号已完结富山敬 麻上洋子 纳谷悟朗 伊武雅之 仲村秀生 西暦2199年、地球は宇宙人・ガミラス帝国の侵略を受けていた。ガミラスは冥王星に前線基地を建設し、地球に対して遊星爆弾による無差別攻撃を加えていた。海は蒸発し地球は赤茶けた姿に変貌し、放射能汚染で地上
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少女前线 人形小剧场第二季 国语版动画日韩动漫
西方善魔女已完结折笠富美子 斋藤千和 谷山纪章 田中理惠 石田彰 藤村步 中田让治 位于西北部的女王制国家格拉尔,被称为星仙女王的历代女王誓言非战,绝对不动用武力,以和平谈判解决纷争,国家因此得以繁荣。于是西方诸国皆称她们为西方善魔女。两位下任女王的动向成为了各贵族们的焦点,其中一个