Created and narrated by René Redzepi, the esteemed chef and co-owner of world-renowned restaurant Noma, “Omnivore” takes viewers on an immersive journey into the world of food, exploring the profound beauty and intricate complexities of the human experience through the lens of the key ingredients that connect us all. Each episode of “Omnivore” celebrates the cultivation, transformation and consumption of eight of the world's most essential ingredients, including bananas, chilies, coffee, corn, pork, rice, salt and tuna, revealing how they serve as the cornerstones of global cultural heritage. Redzepi and Emmy Award-winning executive producer Matt Goulding (“Anthony Bourdain: Explore Parts Unknown”) guide audiences on a globe-spanning odyssey, unveiling intricate stories behind the ingredients that have shaped societies, cultures, beliefs and the course of human history. The series takes viewers to destinations around the world, including Denmark, Serbia, Thailand, Spain, Japan, Djibouti, Peru, South Korea, France, Colombia, India, Bali, Rwanda and Mexico, as well as locations throughout the United States. In each episode, Redzepi and various series contributors offer an intimate exploration of culinary traditions, showcasing local efforts to honor, conserve and protect Earth’s offerings.
HDChristopher Herwig Uncovering the stories of the designers who built fascinating architectural marvels during the Sovie
苏联巴士站记录已完结沙尤尼·古普塔 基尔蒂·库哈里 歌伯妮·贾琦 马恩维·加格鲁 继续讲述四位女性好友的友情、生活与爱情纠葛:达米尼的事业陷入停滞,安贾娜纠结于前夫和前男友之间,乌芒试图建立自己的事业,希蒂在失去父亲的苦痛中徘徊。
请再来四杯第三季海外9.0HD奈吉尔·巴伯 Elliot Graves Lori Johnston Sindbad Rumney-Guggenheim Parks Stephenson Victor Vescovo Benjamin Guggenheim William McMaster Murdoch
重返泰坦尼克号记录HD坂本龙一 2022年12月11日,坂本龙一钢琴独奏音乐会将面向全球播出。  
坂本龙一特别线上钢琴独奏会2022记录已完结马诺杰·巴杰帕伊 Sharib Hashmi Neeraj Madhav 普丽亚玛尼 Vedant Sinha Mehek Thakur Shahab Ali 帕旺·乔普拉 Shreya Dhanwanthary 沙拉德·凯卡尔 Darshan Kumaar 《有家室的男人》是一部前卫的动作电视剧,讲述了一个在国家调查局特别小组工作的中产阶级男人的故事。他在努力保护国家不受恐怖分子袭击的同时,还要保护自己的家人不受这份神秘、高压、低薪工作的影响。
有家室的男人第一季海外7.0更新至03集娜姆拉荣·塔尼娅瑞丝 Ning Panita Tumwattana "นี่เรา...ยังรักกันเหมือนเดิมอยู่ใช่ไหม?"Thetwoofusรักนี้มีแค่เราSeason2
深夜俱乐部之唯有我们2爱情同性泰国已完结 广东卫视自制美食纪录片《老广的味道》是国内美食视频类头部IP,2015年至今已制作至第八季。节目以食物为载体,通过美食这一“小切口”讲好“中国故事”,展现岭南农业文化和海洋文化的情怀与自信
老广的味道第八季记录已完结甘.铁欧苏皖 查维缇彭·普颂基缇萨库尔 欧姆 · 纳巴特 · 乌察哈 托特.德辛特.潘亚纳拉彭 Pan Norawit Bowonsantisut 罗一杰 Ant Warinda Noenphoemphisut