Created and narrated by René Redzepi, the esteemed chef and co-owner of world-renowned restaurant Noma, “Omnivore” takes viewers on an immersive journey into the world of food, exploring the profound beauty and intricate complexities of the human experience through the lens of the key ingredients that connect us all. Each episode of “Omnivore” celebrates the cultivation, transformation and consumption of eight of the world's most essential ingredients, including bananas, chilies, coffee, corn, pork, rice, salt and tuna, revealing how they serve as the cornerstones of global cultural heritage. Redzepi and Emmy Award-winning executive producer Matt Goulding (“Anthony Bourdain: Explore Parts Unknown”) guide audiences on a globe-spanning odyssey, unveiling intricate stories behind the ingredients that have shaped societies, cultures, beliefs and the course of human history. The series takes viewers to destinations around the world, including Denmark, Serbia, Thailand, Spain, Japan, Djibouti, Peru, South Korea, France, Colombia, India, Bali, Rwanda and Mexico, as well as locations throughout the United States. In each episode, Redzepi and various series contributors offer an intimate exploration of culinary traditions, showcasing local efforts to honor, conserve and protect Earth’s offerings.
HD坂本龙一 2022年12月11日,坂本龙一钢琴独奏音乐会将面向全球播出。  
坂本龙一特别线上钢琴独奏会2022记录9.0正片夏洛特·甘斯布 简·伯金 乔·安塔尔 本片是戛纳影后夏洛特·甘斯布的首部导演作品,她的镜头聚焦的是自己的母亲,传奇女星间伯·金。在这部非典型的家庭私人电影里,她重新梳理与母亲的血脉羁绊,两人褪下明星光环,娓娓谈起生老病死,人生感悟,一起陪
夏洛特眼中的简纪录片记录10.0已完结梅塔文·欧帕西安卡琼 皮查雅·瓦塔那蒙迪里 苏帕功·斯里坡通 Nhing Nirut Sirijanya 普洛伊·霍旺 Ployphach Phatchatorn Thanawat Irin脾气火爆、无所畏惧,被称为恶魔。不过,这都是装出来的。相比之下,她摆出一副刻薄的样子来吹捧她的妹妹Inn。她的年轻兽医兼邻居Namcha却对此毫不在乎。不管她表现得多么阴险,他都爱着她。他从学
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老广的味道第八季记录9.0全20集托尼·拉卡恩 查雅妮·臣姗卡维 帕查娜·塔布彤 温成有 坦纳.查特伯利洛克 匹萨努·尼萨库 影片《这份爱 爷我包了》主要讲述了Phuwanai(ken)是地质学家Dr.Phutas的独子,大学毕业后他在美国一家摄影杂志做摄影师。他回泰国Krabi度假,借了一条船出海在夜晚钓乌贼。模特Ravi
兹心记录10.0全6集Best Cholsawas Tiewwanichkul Dunk Teerathuth Ingkhaprasit Win Suphawit Prathanchaimongkol Earth Nanthawat PHaiboonphattana Au Patrapon Hengsoonthorn 一群梦想成为韩国艺人的年轻人。 但并没有熬过出道压力,两人相邀“喝醉”回泰国,却发生了意想不到的事情? 寻找失落的记忆 他们的梦想又开始了!