Created and narrated by René Redzepi, the esteemed chef and co-owner of world-renowned restaurant Noma, “Omnivore” takes viewers on an immersive journey into the world of food, exploring the profound beauty and intricate complexities of the human experience through the lens of the key ingredients that connect us all. Each episode of “Omnivore” celebrates the cultivation, transformation and consumption of eight of the world's most essential ingredients, including bananas, chilies, coffee, corn, pork, rice, salt and tuna, revealing how they serve as the cornerstones of global cultural heritage. Redzepi and Emmy Award-winning executive producer Matt Goulding (“Anthony Bourdain: Explore Parts Unknown”) guide audiences on a globe-spanning odyssey, unveiling intricate stories behind the ingredients that have shaped societies, cultures, beliefs and the course of human history. The series takes viewers to destinations around the world, including Denmark, Serbia, Thailand, Spain, Japan, Djibouti, Peru, South Korea, France, Colombia, India, Bali, Rwanda and Mexico, as well as locations throughout the United States. In each episode, Redzepi and various series contributors offer an intimate exploration of culinary traditions, showcasing local efforts to honor, conserve and protect Earth’s offerings.
HD坂本龙一 2022年12月11日,坂本龙一钢琴独奏音乐会将面向全球播出。  
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老广的味道第八季记录7.0已完结阿米特·西亚尔 Dibyendu Bhattacharya Aksha Pardasany Sparsh Shrivastav Monika Panwar Anshuman Pushkar Sarfaraz Ali Mirza Kartavya Kabra Rohit Kp Harshid Gupta Aatm Prakash Mishra Udit Arora Vishwa Bhanu Shruti Bhattacharya Ravi Sah 本剧改编自真人真事,故事聚焦于印度贾坎德邦詹塔拉市层出不穷的网路钓鱼事件。一群当地年轻人利用电话诈骗,受害者遍及全印度。你也许不认识这群诈骗集团,但他们手中一定有你的电话号码。 &nbs
贾姆塔拉:骗你没商量海外7.0HD路易·西霍尤斯 瑞克·欧贝瑞 哈迪·琼斯 保罗·沃森 森下丈二 罗杰·S·佩恩 迈克尔·伊利夫 伊恩·坎贝尔 道格·德马斯特 戴夫·拉斯托维奇 查尔斯·汉柏顿 桜井速人 曼迪-蕾·克鲁克香克 柯克·克雷克 约翰·波特 汉娜·墨尔买德 杰夫·潘图克霍夫 伊莎贝尔·卢卡斯 海顿·潘妮蒂尔 日本和歌山县太地,是一个景色优美的小渔村,然而这里却常年上演着惨无人道的一幕。每年,数以万计的海豚经过这片海域,他们的旅程却在太地戛然而止。渔民们将海豚驱赶到靠近岸边的一个地方,来自世界各地的海豚训练