After confronting some of his long-held fears in season one, Emmy Award winner Eugene Levy steps out of his comfort zone once again. This time, he's embarking on a must-do journey for any respectable globetrotter — a grand tour of Europe. The seven-part second season of the acclaimed country-hopping travel series follows Levy as he makes his way from the very north of the continent to the very south. Along the way, he unearths stunning hidden local gems, discovers his family tree and attempts to broaden his taste buds while experiencing the region’s most unique destinations along the way. Join him as he goes on the trip of a lifetime he never knew he needed. This season, Levy ventures even further off the beaten path, inspired to experience local practices and global escapades with friends both new and old, including preparing for Midsummer in Swedish tradition with a moose-tracking adventure, visiting his mother’s childhood homeland of Scotland for the first time, dining with a luminary and taking a bite out of French cuisine in Saint-Tropez, embracing wellness with a hay bath under German thatched roofs on the island of Sylt, voyaging on a Greek fishing expedition around Milos, learning medieval customs and harvesting grapes in Italy, and playing soccer with an iconic Spanish star in Seville, Spain.
HD中字版Margaret Howe Lovatt 一段名为《和豚说话的女孩》(The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins)的纪录片将于6月17日在英国广播公司(BBC)播出。 美国研究员霍韦(Margaret Howe)于上
跟海豚说话的女孩记录HD坂本龙一 2022年12月11日,坂本龙一钢琴独奏音乐会将面向全球播出。  
坂本龙一特别线上钢琴独奏会2022记录HDLilas Mayassi Shery Bechara Maya Khairallah Alma Doumani Tatyana Boughaba 作为中东第一支也是唯一一支女性激流金属(thrash metal)乐队,“塞壬之奴”(Slave to Sirens)正如名字中魅惑的海妖塞壬一样,充满着吸引力。身处政局动荡的贝鲁特,五位乐队成员宛如
塞壬2022记录6.0HD中字版姜敏赫 李·楊-韓 喵星人集合!從容不迫的日本貓、威風凜凜的台灣貓、察言觀色的韓國貓。 在韓國首爾,有很多貓咪生活著,事實上,目前統計出至少有二十萬隻「街貓」生活在韓國都市中,由此衍伸出的虐貓問題層出不窮,
我是猫记录10.0正片Melanie Ulle Albin Ulle 全世界最棒的《1000个地方》(1000Placestoseebeforeyoudie)是美国著名旅游作家派翠西亚.舒兹的畅销巨著,也是近年来最受美国权威媒体好评与推荐的旅行参考书。本书的价值在于:.
1000个必游胜地纪录片记录全8集纳塔西特·科蒂马努瓦尼 抔米提·米弯投瓦兰 娜帕拉·吉拉威宋誊功 葵咪莎拉·普碟 提顶·玛哈由踏纳 郑壹飞 本杰明·约瑟夫·瓦尼 塔纳·罗坤宋巴 帕兰达·缇塔瓦西娜 帕奥佩茨·查伦舒克 When the digital age is more dangerous than you think.A LINE TV Original, this omnibus drama covers.
社交网络剧情泰国已完结齐纳吾·英塔拉库辛 查侬·散顶腾古 纳塔朋·迪洛那瓦立 吉拉迪·库立亚古 派泰·普洛伊米卡 齐提沙努彭·萨坤楠提帕 Boss Daranpope Charmpoonod 飘瓦琳·可西里薇拉浓 蒂蒂卡亚·奇瓦普雷佐 Sairung Prapakon Chairak Ray Venita Loywattanakul Pan Pinyada Pinyakamolchart Newclear Hansa Jungviwattanawong 苷蒂碴·楚玛 缇拉娜·翁楚恩 Noon Khingkarn Boonma 《郊游》(THE OUTING)是一个系列,通过三个家庭的叙事,讲述了人们在聚会上相遇的故事,这三个家庭管理着一家顶级广告公司,该公司即将进入股市筹集大笔资金。Anan、Phupha和Taurus带着
郊游2024泰国8.0已完结Wendy Regalado Virginia Alvarez Richard Camacho Erick Brian Colón Zabdiel De Jesús Christopher Vélez
迈阿密明星梦海外8.0已完结萨兰萨通·塔纳瓦查拉维 吉拉皮西特·加纳维奇 卡缇·塔纳瓦特·苏克弗恩仸 查伊姆·阿隆功·查瓦纳普雷查 纳塔里·瓦拉功勒希 纳瓦蓬·昌苏克 松希·努诺卡空希 拉查蓬·阿诺玛契提 基亚特卡莫尔·拉塔 普·帕里萨娜·卡兰皮尼兹 坦纳永·王特拉库 约翰逊·泰温·库那拉塔纳瓦 纳帕特·迈特拉瓦塔纳 理克·谭纳威·彭帕萨瓦特 一位名叫托拉尼 (Torranee) 的护林员卷入一伙非法走私者时,导致他和他交往了七年多的男朋友肯(Ken)被被追了七年。他们都被逼得走投无路,从陡峭的悬崖上摔了下来。几个月后,肯醒来时没有爱人在身