After confronting some of his long-held fears in season one, Emmy Award winner Eugene Levy steps out of his comfort zone once again. This time, he's embarking on a must-do journey for any respectable globetrotter — a grand tour of Europe. The seven-part second season of the acclaimed country-hopping travel series follows Levy as he makes his way from the very north of the continent to the very south. Along the way, he unearths stunning hidden local gems, discovers his family tree and attempts to broaden his taste buds while experiencing the region’s most unique destinations along the way. Join him as he goes on the trip of a lifetime he never knew he needed. This season, Levy ventures even further off the beaten path, inspired to experience local practices and global escapades with friends both new and old, including preparing for Midsummer in Swedish tradition with a moose-tracking adventure, visiting his mother’s childhood homeland of Scotland for the first time, dining with a luminary and taking a bite out of French cuisine in Saint-Tropez, embracing wellness with a hay bath under German thatched roofs on the island of Sylt, voyaging on a Greek fishing expedition around Milos, learning medieval customs and harvesting grapes in Italy, and playing soccer with an iconic Spanish star in Seville, Spain.
HD中字版谭恩美 Amy Tan has established herself as one of America’s most respected literary voices. Born to Chines
谭恩美:意外的回忆录记录8.0已完结杰迪帕·迪拉朋帕 瓦妮达·特姆散纳波 Wanida Termthanaporn 女主角普莱是一个怀揣着空姐梦的点心店女孩,跟着奶奶守着泰式传统点心店生活,几乎所有身边的亲朋好友们都不相信她的空姐梦会成真,但她从未放弃自己的梦想。男主帕坤是富家大少,妈妈经营着大酒店,而他本人更
曼谷爱情故事之魅力的他剧情爱情泰国已完结 广东卫视自制美食纪录片《老广的味道》是国内美食视频类头部IP,2015年至今已制作至第八季。节目以食物为载体,通过美食这一“小切口”讲好“中国故事”,展现岭南农业文化和海洋文化的情怀与自信
老广的味道第八季记录全20集李南星 陈丽贞 陈澍城 洪慧芳 陈罗密欧 甘哲刚被公司炒鱿鱼,而猴赛雷经常感到晕眩,逼不得已放弃Handyman这份工作。两人不想那么早退休,灵机一动,决定“创业”!甘哲的老婆王莉支持甘哲,建议未来亲家母LucyLeow加入。小吃店“冇得顶”
兹心记录6.0全6集大卫·爱登堡 曾经惊艳世人的纪录片《地球脉动》,再次由来自BBC的制作团队倾力奉献出最新的第二季。在这一季里,观众们将继续见证地球各个角落动物、植物平凡而精彩的生命瞬间。本季总共六集,分为岛屿、山脉、丛林、沙漠、草